Everyone Can Learn Math

Everyone Can Learn Mathematics to High Levels: The Evidence from Neuroscience that Should Change our Teaching

Posted on February 1, 2019 by Art Duval

By Jo Boaler, Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University, and co-founder of youcubed.org

I’ve seen this firsthand. #stoplabelingkids #struggleisgood

“Nobody knows what any one student is capable of learning, and the schooling practices that place limits on students’ learning need to be radically rethought.”

“…when [students] struggle in their first math class many decide they are just “not a math person” and give up.”

“…the best times for brain growth and change are when people are working on challenging content, making mistakes, correcting them, moving on, making more mistakes, always working in areas of high challenge.”

“…when we work on a mathematics problem, five different pathways in the brain are involved, including two that are visual”

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